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Awkward space solution with chair settee and end table
Photo by Jenn Verrier for Laura Fox Interior Design, LLC

We know that there are more small, awkward spaces in people's homes than just those that we covered last week.

For instance, what do you do with that random little corner in the back of your living room? You know, that area that's wedged between two doors, a wet bar, and is too far away from the main space to have it make any sense trying to incorporate it into the traditional "living room" set up.

In the case of our #potomacbold clients, Laura turned that nook into a relaxing little vignette with a settee, chair, and table where the couple could relax with their coffee and morning paper.

Aqua Painted Home Library with Built In Bookcases, Window Seat, Table, & Chair
Photo Credit: Lauren Liess

So Few Square Feet, So Many Solutions

So many homes, especially the older ones, have that some sort of random itty bitty room that makes homeowners shake their heads in frustration trying to figure out what on earth do with it. It's too small to put a loveseat in there, let alone much else. Enter the miracle of built-ins.

We love the idea of turning that room into a mini library with built-in shelving and a windowseat. Add a small table and chair for good measure and you have a rainy day paradise!

Awkward Corner Small Office with Ladder Desk, Chair, and Hide Rug
Photo Credit: Chris Loves Julia

Work With the Space You Have - Or In It!

In our current world we know that most people work from home, at least to some extent. We also know that most of us don't have the space to devote an entire room in our home to an office. So, why not make use of one of those awkward corners?

There are so many great small desks out there (like this super cute ladder desk self) that will fit into the tightest of awkward corners. Pick up an attractive and comfy chair to pair with and all of a sudden you've turned that empty space into something that is both attractive and practical. It's a win-win!

Awkward corner with faux fiddle leaf fig in a basket
Photo Credit: Lindsay Salazar Photography for Studio McGee

The Plants are Greener on the Awkward Side

So what do you do if none of these other options speak to you, they're too much of an investment at the moment, or you're just looking for a quick and easy fix? Well, we are proud to present the default awkward space filler - the faux plant. Or heck, use a real plant if you have a green thumb (Team LFID decidedly does not).

Plants automatically add life (pardon the pun) and visual interest to that empty corner without costing an arm and a leg or requiring too much effort or design sensibility. They're basically the messy bun of awkward spaces. Dressed up or dressed down, plants are always appropriate and super easy, and they add an extra splash of color.

Featured Fox Finds

Check out some of our favorite Fox Finds below to help you out with your awkward space styling. All of these options can be ordered in the

Stay Foxy!


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